Telling stories by the sea

Telling stories by the sea

The Hague knows the value of telling a good story. So much so in fact, that the city’s marketing team has created the ‘Bloggershuis’, a dedicated space where visiting bloggers can stay while they discover all that the Hague has to offer. As an added bonus, the Bloggershuis is situated right on the beach!  Placesbrands…

Place storytelling in your pocket

Place storytelling in your pocket

For centuries people have told stories about places. Legends of far-flung spots like Timbuktu, Constantinople, and Zanzibar had captured the European imagination long before global travel became commonplace. Now in the 21st century, the medium of delivery has changed but the desire for stories has remained. A new startup is combining colourful stories of place…

The city’s voice

The city’s voice

The concept of audio branding for destinations is intriguing. But why should places consider using this technique in their brand strategies? Steve Keller of iV Audio Branding introduces us to the emotive power of sound and discusses how it can be used to create lasting identities for places. Steve, why should destinations use sound in…

Finland’s ’emoji diplomacy’

Finland’s ’emoji diplomacy’

Finland made headlines this week with its release of 30 country-branding emojis, in an unique and typically quirky twist on regular promotion efforts. Said to reflect aspects of the Finnish national character, the list includes a sauna emoji, a Nokia ‘brick phone’ emoji, and the ‘headbanger’ emoji, which is the particular favourite of Petra Theman,…

Global popularity contest

Global popularity contest

The Digital Country Index is a country brand ranking with a difference. Whereas most rankings rely either on survey data or a collection of indicators from third party sources, this one draws together almost one billion keywords used across online searches globally. The resulting data is classified into five dimensions deemed most relevant to the…

Is bigger really better?

Is bigger really better?

Every territorial marketing professional has been faced with the following dilemma at one point or another: “How can I get my social media community to grow?” That inevitably leads to a slew of creative ideas from all sides. Marketing professionals advocate for social media advertising. Creatives push great community building ideas into your hand, while…